
The Facts surrounding Oak Island's Money Pit. 

Money Pit: Any entity or venture which requires much money for maintenance and drains financial resources (Dictionary.com).

In 1795, three boys went to investigate a small island on Nova Scotia, Cananda known as Oak Island, as it was emitting strange green lights. Once on the island, the found a small pit (which is called the Money Pit), and began digging down into it. Once the young men began to dig, they came across platforms of Oak wood, mats made of coconut fiber, and a slab of stone which is shown in the picture below.

The slab had an unknown writing/language on it, and one thing that you can be sure of is that Canada does not have coconut trees. This initial excavation only went as far as 30 feet into the ground. (Whanethewhip 2010).

Since the initial excavation in 1795, over a dozen projects have been attempted and funded by some extraordinary people like John Wayne, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. (Whanethewhip 2010).

Why proceed and why is it important

So how can we as humans, even with modern science, "get to the bottom of this mystery?" We have discovered that the Money pit has layers of oak platforms beginning at 10 feet, and reoccurring every 10 feet. These are estimated to go about 200 feet deep (see figure on the Fallacies tab of my blog serving as a visual of the Money pit itself). As if the oak platforms do not present enough of a barrier to any future excavators, in between each platforms are slabs of flagstone and puddle clay. Flagstone is another part of the Money Pit that is not native to Oak Island along with the coconut fibers. These not so natural Defense Mechanisms prove the excavation so dangerous that six people have died while excavating. The Money Pit presents more barriers, as it contains flooding canals that lead ocean water into the Money Pit. The deeper that the money pit was dug into, the more water that filled the Money Pit, serving as a real challenge for the excavations. The in genius design suggests the designer of this flooding system had to be an expert in architecture and engineering. An attempt to discover the source of the ocean water (as the Money Pit is on an island) in the flooding system, a red dye was put in the pit to see where it drained.Up to three shafts shown prevalent in the pit as presented in the picture below. (Whanethewhip 2010).

These are the facts.

Works Cited

"Money Pit." Dictionary.com. Dictionary.com, 2014. Web. 30 Apr. 2014.

Whanethewhip. "Oak Island Money Pit Mystery." YouTube. YouTube, 05 June 2010.

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